You know sometimes I wonder who reads my posts or who really cares about all that I share – and YES, I am aware that I share and post a lot!  But why, why do I share a lot? 

Well…..I’ve known that I was just supposed to share my journey, hence why I named my blog Sarah Taylor’s Journey.  It’s very rare that I post a photo without a story, an encouragement or something to challenge you on – whether it be a mindset, a matter of the heart or your body.  I don’t post just for the sake of it, I don’t post to get likes, I post to inspire, encourage and build others up.  It’s also been a really great accountability measure for me when it comes to my lifestyle changes.

Over the last few weeks I’ve had several messages from people giving me a word of encouragement letting me know how my posts, blogs, pictures, etc. have made an impact on them.  From inspiring them to make a healthy lifestyle change, to challenging them to love their body more and wear the clothes they want to – just because they want to, to my attitude in life and my trust in God. 

 3 years ago, even a year ago,  I never imagined or dreamed that I would love life as much as I do now or that I would love myself, let alone inspire others to do the same.  Life is really for the living.  It’s not for worrying about what’s next.  It’s not about everything on the outside.  There are some of you who feel that you will never love yourself, or that you can’t have an amazing life, that too much bad has happened or is happening right now.  I thought the same thing….Life was horrible for me.  I was stripped down from everything that defined my indentity….my marriage ended and I lost my job within 3 months of each other…I had to rely on my mom to help me pay for my bills for a few months, whatever pride I had was exterminated, by force.  I was in severe pain emotionally and physically.  I was a disaster and I had to rebuild my life, myself, my esteem and my view of myself from the ground up.  I chose to not do it alone….I did it with God on my side and I held onto him with everything I had in me!

 By putting one foot in front of the other and keeping my head up, making small changes as I go, I’ve arrived to where I am now.  I still have so much more I want to do with my life and I’m dreaming bigger than you can even imagine.  I’m now in a healthy frame of mind and my body is healthier to take on all the exciting things I’m working towards.  I say all this to remind you that you have the same opportunities I do. We live in the same world.  I’m no different than you but I did make a decision to live my best life.  That’s the first step. 

 I poured a lot of time, energy, effort into healing all the pain I had gone through – from being bullied for my weight all my life, my parents’ divorce, my own divorce, death in my family, stupid decisions I had made and one of the hardest things to work on was my own self-hatred.  I literally had to re-record the tape in my head that constantly tore me down.  It was a hard road, but every tear, every moment of desperation, every pain was worth it to be where I am today.

 So those days people give me flack for posting so much or when I wonder if I’m making a difference or if what I say matters or if anyone even cares I remember why I even started sharing my journey and where I’ve come from.   And those days that you, my followers, friends and family send me a note of encouragement, or give me a call to tell me how I’ve impacted you today –  those days I cherish.  Thank you to those who encourage me as I share but also thank you to those who have been there right from the start too.  I have an amazing support system and I’m so beyond thankful!

 So the next time you see me post something and ask yourself, “But why Sarah?”….now you know why.  It’s to encourage, inspire, lift up, build up, and push you to live your best life, to love yourself, to chase HARD after your dreams, to re-record that tape in your head and to remind you of your immense value and worth!

Stay Beautiful,

By |2016-03-23T21:16:26-04:00August 20th, 2015|2 Comments

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  1. Anette April 13, 2016 at 8:16 am - Reply

    I read every post and revel in your journey!

  2. Sarah April 13, 2016 at 8:16 am - Reply

    Awww thanks so much Anette. Love ya xoxo

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