On this International Women’s Day 2016, I wanted to honor a woman in my life who has left a very big imprint in my life.  In fact, she’s helped develop me into the woman I am today – My Mommy (yes I’m over 30 and I can still call her that).

Growing up I was always close with my mom, she was my best friend, my confidant and my supporter.  Family time was always just a part of my life and we did everything together growing up.  Being raised in a Christian home, my mom always instilled the importance of faith and living a Godly life.  She didn’t just talk the talk, she walked the walk and she’s been a role model for me in so many areas.

She is a girly girl through and through – except that she has no desire for long shopping days like I do lol.  Growing up I would watch her do her makeup and hair and see her paint her nails at night.  I always remember thinking how beautiful my mom was – inside and out.  She carries a joy with her like no other.  She was the mom my friends would come hang out with and open up to.  I always loved that!

I remember when she would leave for work in the mornings I would sneak into her makeup bag before school and wear her makeup – like in grade 6.  I would try and clean my face before I saw her but she caught me one too many times going against the rules and I was grounded from makeup all of grade 7.  Back then I hated being disciplined (of course, what kid doesn’t) but looking back I see that she did this to instill values in me –

  1.  To be honest and follow the rules
  2.  That I didn’t need makeup, I was beautiful just the way I was and
  3. That I did not need to follow the crowd to fit in or be ‘pretty’
I was always the ‘bigger girl’ growing up in school and it was tough – really tough.  But my mom always ensured that I felt beautiful – or at least she tried.  When we would go shopping she would pre pick stores that had clothes that would fit me and if we still found ones that didn’t fit and I had a meltdown in the change room she would comfort me.  She would also make a lot of my clothes – especially dresses.  I remember we would go to Fabricland and pick out a new design and a few different patterns of material.  We didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up and that was also a reason why she made a lot of my clothes – when you have a ‘big girl’ for a daughter who is also a giant, those clothes are expensive.  However, I never knew we didn’t have the money because of how she handled all this.
When my parents divorced, I literally got to watch a woman stand strong and overcome the hurt and pain of her divorce.  She chose to live life right and deal with the pain of her divorce.  She relied on God and his strength to get through and has trusted him every step of the way.  She remained generous even when it was difficult and I have watched God bless her beyond measure and she’s in turn blessed me and my sister as her daughters with her overflowing blessings.   Seeing how she handled divorce actually set an example for me on how I was going to recover from mine.  I knew that I did not want to live in pain forever and that it was important to honor God in all that I did, pursue healing and to trust God with all my heart and walk by faith, one step at a time.
My mom is also in part a large reason for me even getting involved in modelling.  About 2 years after my divorce she challenged me to start dreaming again and stop living in survival mode.  So, I went out that night and bought myself a whiteboard and started writing out my dreams one by one.  On that board I put Plus Size Modelling down, then erased it 3 times until it finally stayed on that board.  It was a couple months after that experience that I had my first modeling gig!  Pretty neat if you ask me.  My mom attended my pageant, has come to almost all my local shows and she even traveled with me to Full Figured Fashion Week in June to be by my side and cheer me on – she also kind of took on the role of my agent which was pretty fun to watch.

Mom – I am grateful for not only who you are as a woman, mother and friend but I’m grateful for your impact in my life, for always believing in me, supporting me and challenging me to constantly raise the bar.  Thank you for being by my side at all of my big events, comforting me on those days that are difficult and being the best mom a girl could ask for.

My mom was the total inspiration for this outfit.  I remember seeing her in a blouse almost exactly like this when I was a little girl and I thought she looked so beautiful.  This beautiful pink blouse (The Marion Top) is from SWAK and I kind of ‘sexified’ a look mom would have had with this skirt from SWAK as well – this is the Liza Skirt.  I am my mother’s daughter in a lot of ways (or so I like to think), I have just kind of amped up my look a little bit more – she might call it too sexy sometimes lol.  I paired this outfit with a pair of Betsy Johnson peep toes and some beautiful braclets from Amadora Jewelry and volia.  I feel like a beautiful woman in this outfit, ready to take on the day!

Blouse by SWAK – The Marion Top 
Skirt by SWAK – The Liza Skirt
Jewllery by Amadora Jewellery ​

Photos by Robert Skuja
All photos © 2015 Robert Skuja Photography
Eye Lashes (extensions) by Love Ur Look Beauty my official eyelash specialist
Makeup by Nichole Lukasik
And of course, this post wouldn’t be complete without some pics of me and mom!
Check out that smile in the first pic – that’s us with The original Runway Diva, Sharon Quinn at Full Figured Fashion Week 2015!


Stay Beautiful,